Brand strategy / Creative direction / Design / Art direction / Copywriting
Brand identity / Brand guidelines / UI/UX / Web design / Literature / E-marketing / Content generation

As both customers and businesses become increasingly aware of the value of personal data and the need to easily manage consent from one business to another, Smarter Contracts have been developing technologies harnessing blockchain and AI, to enable each of us to take ownership of our data simply and, granted access to richer information, allow businesses to respond with highly personalised experiences that realise the full potential of the Open Data era.
To make data management viable, simple and as natural to us as breathing, Smarter Contracts have set themselves the ambition of building and establishing their product – Pulse – as the consent management platform of choice, for business and customers alike. To achieve this goal first required both next-level funding and a brand that everyone could believe in.
Working closely with stakeholders, we developed a differentiated proposition based on the pivotal ingredient at the heart of consent management – 'trust'. In the financial services industry – where Smarter Contracts saw the most immediate potential for Pulse – trust is both one of the most valuable assets they can invest in, and among the hardest to earn. To do so, organisations need customers to recognise the tools they employ as the standard of ethical, transparent and accountable data use. And the simpler secure consent management becomes for customers, the greater the reserve of trust grows.
The new proposition and brand narrative – 'The power of trust' – establishes Pulse by Smarter Contracts as the preeminent platform for managing and sharing personal data transparently, fairly and fearlessly across different businesses customers interact with. The new brand identity marries institutional robustness with a focus on clarity, simplicity and humanity, putting end-customer experience at the heart of the brand's tone of voice and visual language.
Within 6 months of implementing the new brand identity, Smarter Contracts had secured £1.5m in additional investment.