Brand strategy / Creative direction / Design / Art direction / Copywriting
Brand identity / Brand guidelines / UI/UX / Web design / Literature / Advertising / E-marketing / Content generation

Already in existence as a natural off-shoot of partner venture Zodia Custody, it was apparent the shared brand identity did not give Zodia Markets the ability to communicate it's own story, or present itself as a credible player to an extremely cautious audience – long-established global financial institutions.
Heavily reliant on regulation and compliance in fiat markets, building trust over decades, Institutions needed to apply the same rigour to the 'Wild West' of crypto trading. Without it, the digital asset future invoked unacceptable risk. What's more, they didn't get it – while the actions and language of 'crypto-natives' remained completely alien to them, digital assets were going to stay off-limits.
Workshops with the team at Zodia Markets and other key stakeholders, delivered the insights that positioned the business as something entirely different from other crypto marketplaces that had an Institutional offering. Whereas competitors were backward-engineering, Zodia Markets alone was born of the Institutional world, founded on compliance and regulatory rigour, established by people who shared the same values, principles and language. In the language we created, Zodia Markets was the only 'Institution-first' digital asset trading partner.
Based on a new narrative and proposition – Crypto. Without compromise. – we evolved the previous brand identity and tone of voice in line with the personality and purpose of the organisation, replacing dissonant cues of a start up, crypto-native culture with a look and feel that spoke coherently to the audiences they needed to reach.
Despite difficult times for crypto markets, focussed entirely on Institutional customers, Zodia Markets continues to grow exponentially.