Creative direction / Design / Art direction / Copywriting  
Brand strategy / Brand identity / Packaging / Literature 
Zurich wanted to create a program for its sales force, that not only recognised and rewarded the high achievers, but also singled out these people for the fast-track to the top. However it manifested itself, it had to be something everyone in the business could recognise, aspire to, and become.
Working with Zurich to understand the culture of the organisation and how the monolithic brand manifested itself, a program was devised as a 'sub-brand' that came from the heart of the business – those inducted into it would be recognised as the most ‘Zurich’ of all. The name – the Azuri – and the tone, look and feel of the program expressed an elevated form of the wider brand, identifying inductees as the 'exceptional blue'. 
Unaware of the occasion, the first 'Class of 2014' received an invitation to a weekend event that would forever single them out among piers. The invitation itself was a first glimpse of what it meant to be an Azuri, each communication, experience, discreet gift  or reward that followed being a tangible embodiment of exceptional blue.    
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